
Reporting for Work

Today was my first day at my new office in Westhill. I spent much of the day getting unpacked and organized, meeting new people, and catching up on a pile of emails. I think I'm going to like it...Tomorrow is my big introduction to the employees and from what I understand, there is cake involved! YUM! :)

The days are extremely long here which has made it difficult to sleep. It doesn't get dark here until 10:30 or 11:00 PM...and I wouldn't really even call it dark. Its darker than daylight, but still light enough that the birds are chirping and shrieking outside my window at 2:00 AM. Hopefully I will adjust soon....tonight I closed all of the curtains around 7:00 PM to trick my body into thinking its dark outside. We'll see if it works...

This weekend my mom and I will be renting a car and taking a road trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. On the list of things to do is take a tour of Edinburgh Castle. I hear it is amazing! I will be sure to take plenty of pictures and get them posted...just as soon as I find my camera cord! :)

1 comment:

  1. Find the cord and quick! :D

    Glad to hear your first day went well! You will love Westhill! That's where we first lived then we started our journey there - such a neat place!


